Just a few thoughts coming your way. Ready?
First off, it is the lovely Madeleine's EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY! (Sorry about the shouting. I'll warn you next time) Soooo... A round of Happy Birthday is in order. But that's obnoxious to type, so sing it in your head. Madeleine, (shouting, coming up) THIS IS YOUR BIRTHDAY SONG; IT ISN'T VERY LONG. HEY!
Next order of business: just take a moment and find 5 things you're legitimately grateful for in this moment.
1. Spit
2. That-after rain smell
3. Contacts
4. Clean drinking water
5. Hot showers
Just take a minute and thank Daddy for those things. He's so, SO good to you and me.
My wonderful newly-turned-21-year-old brother (so many August birthdays already!) has brought the blog Today's Letter's to my attention. Go check it out sometime. I think her ideas are rad, and therefore I'm borrowing her little letter idea (the one that I assume the blog is named for). But go find hers for the real deal.
Dear contacts, I wish we got along better. I wish we saw eye to eye more often (pun vaguely intended and intentionally left), and I mostly wish I could see better when I was driving because you weren't acting up. Dear Ryan, thank you for making me laugh so much. I hope that things brighten up a little bit for you:) Dear pride, I really need to learn to let go of you. You like to masquerade as confidence sometimes, and that sucks. Stop doing that please. Dear mom, thanks for dinner. Dear Madsauce, happy birthday, princess. Olive you! Dear need for validation, why have you been acting up so much recently? I wish you weren't so dear to me. Calm yourself.
Happy Monday, one and all! Know you're so loved and lovely, and know that you're not alone in whatever nonsense you're going through.
Xoxox Lauren
Dear Lauren, thank you for this. Randomly I decided to read this and surprisingly (well not surprisingly knowing you two wonderful hooligans) it was EXACTLYwhat I needed. Simple, honest, and bold enough to make me remember important little (well actually pretty big) truths. Like the fact that I am constantly receiving love notes and that I love sending thank you notes :) dear how i met your mother, please stop depriving me of sleep. Dear face, thank you for not breaking out as much today. Dear fear of judgment, i let you have me today, but tomorrow I'm wearing bright red and owning it because I'm done with you're crap. Dear morning alarm, please take your time, why don't you update your computer or take a trip to the dmv before visiting me. Love, that black chick you love ;)