Friday, September 13, 2013

Muddy Musings (alliteration points!)

If you missed it somehow, this little corner of the earth is underwater right now, at least mostly. Boulder, CO is a lot of a wet wreck, but at least we can't complain about the heat now. 

My personal corner of the world is pretty dry. The creek is up and the road is washed out in a spot, but we're doing well otherwise. 

Rain makes me muse-y, and this week is no exception. Riding home on the tailgate of the truck from mucking in a culvert or two, I realized how darn grateful I am for all those things that I take for granted most of the time. Like electricity (now that it's back) and showers and the fact that we're essentially self sufficient for short amounts of time up here. I'm grateful that we have heat and no basement to flood and a nice buffer of space between us and the creek. I'm so thankful for our neighbors who bring my Grandma things like a generator for her oxygen, and for all the great people who live up here. I'm thankful for my incredible senior class, most of which is out helping someone else right now, even though they're mostly all flooded too. I'm thankful for rain and it's moisture, even though this has been destructive. In a way, I'm thankful for the destruction. James 1 tells us to thank God for all things, so I'm trying to remember that. I'm also learning to let go of things because of the rain, and I'm sure others are too. I'm thankful for how darn awesome the community is too. I'm thankful for the toaster especially. 

If you're the praying sort (or even if you're not!) pray with me for the emergency crews out there this week. For the 20 unaccounted for people in Boulder County. For the people who have houses and cars underwater and who just have damp carpets. For the people who are pitching in to help others and the public service companies. For every family out there. For every building, especially the schools (and nonprofits). For everyone who can find a silver lining in this and for everyone who can't. Thanks be to God that he's sovereign through this and over the wind and the rain. 

Stay dry, loves! And if you can't do that, then accept your socks are wet and dive into the adventure:) 

Xoxox Lo

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